Podcast Guest Episode- Mind-Body Connection and Self-Compassion with Menopause- Hello, Hot Flash

by Feb 12, 2024Podcasts, Resources0 comments

The menopause transition is a challenging one.

There’s a lot of conflicting information out there that can often wreak more havoc on your body and well-being.

We also don’t talk about it.

Women know that menopause happens but so often it’s just “something you deal with.”

Just because it is inevitable doesn’t mean you have to struggle alone or be in pain!!

I’m excited to share my recent interview episode with Stephanie Shaw on the Hello, Hot Flash podcast, where I discussed the Powerful Impact of the Mind-Body Connection and the Importance of Self-Compassion when navigating this transition.

Make sure to listen to the episode here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hello-hot-flash-conversations-about-menopause-womens/id1535385528

Like & Share if you want to be and feel well in ALL seasons of your life 🙌

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Cindy Tsai

Cindy Tsai


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